Tips for Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

Blake Beckcom READ TIME: 3 MIN.

The holidays are upon us and it's time to start applying the brakes... Now, before the real damage is done. The old adage "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" really applies to the holiday season. The following tips will help you fend off that holiday weight gain so that you won't end this season with a New Year's resolution to lose those added holiday pounds!

How Much Weight Do We Really Gain?

Most people think the average American gains about five pounds over the holidays. In actuality, most of us gain an average of one pound (five pounds for overweight people) between Thanksgiving Day and New Year's Day. The problem: We fail to lose that one pound of holiday weight gain, which over years adds up to many excess pounds.

Why Do So Many of Us Gain Weight Over the Holidays?

When you think about it, the holidays really boil down to just three days: Thanksgiving, Christmas (or Chanukah) and New Year's. If you gorge only on those three days, you probably wouldn't cause too much damage. However, many of us take on that holiday mentality of six weeks of nonstop feasting and putting our regular exercise routine on the back burner. Plus, let's face it, this time of year is very hectic and stress filled-many commitments compete for our precious time. So, start now with strategies for how to move yourself to the top of your Christmas list, by making your fitness and healthy eating habits a priority.


1. Get off the "I'm on a diet" mind-set. Now is no time to diet-in fact, a wonderful goal for the next six weeks is to simply maintain your current body weight so that the number on the scale reads the same on New Year's Day as it does on Thanksgiving. You can accomplish this by allowing yourself (and planning ahead for) indulgences in small amounts, of your favorite holiday treats. But, be sure to make sensible eating choices the rest of the time.

2. Exercise more to offset holiday overeating. Don't let your shopping and party commitments, squeeze out your workouts. Now, more than ever, is when you need to up your physical activity, so that you can balance out the extra holiday splurges. If you have an exercise partner or a personal trainer, make a "contract" with them to add an extra weekly workout to cover your inevitable holiday indulgences.

3. Follow good eating guidelines: Eat breakfast, don't skip meals, drink all your calorie-free liquids and eat small, frequent, lighter meals at home. Carry healthy snacks like fruits, veggies and a light yogurt... and never, ever arrive hungry to an event where holiday treats are being served. These yummy delights are impossible to resist when one is famished. Before you attend, appease your appetite with some light snacks: Whole-grain crackers and string cheese, veggies and hummus dip, or a glass of tomato juice. And don't forget to bring your own "lighter" holiday makeover dish to the party.

4. Use only small plates and load up on salad first, if you attend a buffet. Take small tastes of the food and eat only what you love.

5. Limit alcohol consumption (liquid calories). Alcohol is highly caloric, plus it can sabotage your best laid plans by affecting your judgment. After a few drinks, it's much harder to refrain from eating all those rich gooey desserts. If you do drink, stick with the lighter choices: A four ounce wine or champagne weighs in at just 80 calories versus a five ounce cocktail, a heavy 300 calories. Try alternating an alcoholic drink with a sparkling water and lime.

The Gift of Health

Remember what the holidays are all about. Focus less on the food and drinks and more on celebrating the beauty of the season and the company of the people you love-your family and friends. Give yourself the gift of health this holiday season by sticking with your fitness routine and planning ahead to curb overindul- gences. You can do it.

by Blake Beckcom

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