Jodie Foster Finally Gets Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame


Despite a long career in acting, starting when she was just three years old, Oscar-winning actress Jodie Foster has never been honored with her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Well, the Daily Mail reports that this week, the 53-year-old actress and director finally got her star turn.

"I've waited. I really wanted to wait. I thought for a while maybe it will never happen," Foster told the Press Association. "But I was holding out and it worked out for me."

The actress has won two Academy Awards for performances in "The Accused" and "The Silence of the Lambs," but said she thought her hometown of Hollywood would never honor her for her decades of work.

Foster has of late moved behind the camera, most recently directing George Clooney and Julia Roberts in the upcoming summer thriller, "Money Monster." But she said she will not give up her first love, acting.

"I've been acting since I was three so I can't imagine I'll ever stop, but I definitely wanted to focus on directing for now," she said. "It takes a real commitment in order to get movies off the ground. That has to be the first priority."

Joining Foster for the ceremony unveiling what is the 2,580th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was her 2002 "Panic Room" co-star, Kristen Stewart, who said that Foster should have received a star while still a teen, playing roles in "Taxi Driver" and "Bugsy Malone."

"She's a baller on every level. It's out of control," said Stewart. "She did everything so young. She kicked Yale's ass. She won Oscars. She became a filmmaker herself. She created a family and still is just normal and cool and kind. She's been there for me. She should have had a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame when she was 10."


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