The "Deadpool and Wolverine" popcorn bucket Source: Twitter

Get Ready for the 'Deadpool and Wolverine' Sexually Suggestive Popcorn Buckets

Emell Adolphus READ TIME: 1 MIN.

If you've ever wanted to eat popcorn out of Hugh Jackman's mouth, now is your chance.

In a May 30 post on X, formerly Twitter, star of the upcoming "Deadpool and Wolverine," Ryan Reynolds revealed that the blockbuster film is getting in on the sexually suggestive popcorn bucket game that was started with "Dune 2."

Reynolds wrote, "Years from now they will look back at 2024 as the year the War of the Popcorn Buckets began. #history #DeadpoolAndWolverine ❤️💛Move over."

The bucket is modeled after "X-Men" character Wolverine's head, a role Jackman made famous and will be playing at least one more time for the upcoming film, along other rumored special appearances from superheroes in the Marvel universe.

Considering that the "Deadpool" movies have all be R-rated, something tells us the film will fully lean into this innuendo in marketing.

In the video, Deadpool, or at least his gloves, can be seen slowly caressing the bucket as its "mouth" fills with popcorn and drizzles with liquid butter. And to top it all off, the promo is set to the opening of Richard Strauss's tone poem "Also Sprach Zarathustra," famously used as the theme to "2001: A Space Odyssey."


No word yet on what exactly it costs to get your hands on a Wolverine popcorn head, but "Deadpool and Wolverine" is one of the most anticipated films of the summer when it hits theaters July 26.

And if the film keeps up this type of cheeky marketing, they will have audiences of all backgrounds flocking to theaters to get their hands on a piece of Wolverine.

by Emell Adolphus

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